You have the special gift of good cheer: You spread happiness wherever you go. Today, I wish you the same happiness you have generously given. Happy Birthday! Niece
You are sunshine and light. You are happiness and free spirit. You are all the good things we wish for this world. Happy Birthday dear niece!
Today is a special day. Today is the day I earned bragging rights to the title of aunt. It’s all because of you. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to my dear niece, Me and you, we make an awesome two some. You make me proud.
Happy Birthday! Dear Niece , If eyes were made for seeing, then nieces are their own excuse for being. You have brought so much joy and laughter to this family.
I remember that special day when I first laid eyes on you. You were everything I imagined an angel to be. Happy Birthday, sweet angel!
Happy Birthday to the loveliest Niece on planet Earth. If I could grant wishes, I would give you all that your heart desires. You own me.
Happy Birthday to the bundle of joy , who never fails to amaze everyone with her wit, courage and generosity. You are truly one of a kind, and I am honored to be your aunt/uncle.
Happy Birthday Awesome Niece ! How many ways can I praise your awesomeness without sounding like a tired old aunt/uncle? I don’t know,
Good thing I’m not your dad because I like playing the cool uncle. I’m here for you no matter how late the hour. Happy Birthday
I am there in your life for a purpose – to spoil you, pamper you, indulge you, fuss over you and allow you to do all those things that you parents don’t. Happy birthday from your uncle.
My biggest achievement in life is that I became a godmother to a beautiful baby many years ago. And that baby was you. Happy birthday to my darling niece.
If not for awesome nieces like you, our family would be dull and lifeless. Happy birthday to my wonderful niece.
Very few aunts in this world have nieces who are also their best friends, late night phone buddies and shopping mates. I am truly lucky to have you. Happy birthday.
My memories with you are the most precious thing ever in my life. No matter how far you are, my best wishes will always remain with you. Happy birthday.
The day you born, I placed you in the deepest core of my heart. You are the one whom I love and care most. Take all the lovely greetings on this special day.
When you add the alphabet E to nice, it read niece. And with you, the E stands for Extraordinary. Happy birthday to my niece.